For those who enjoy origin stories, I can pinpoint exactly where Louisa’s Passion started.

My husband and I were on an anniversary trip to Temecula, California to see vineyards and experience the great weather in October, 2021. We drove around to get a feel for the community and saw row after row of vines with fully mature grapes growing. It was harvest time and gorgeous.

When I woke up the next day, a full community of characters with personalities and relationships was in my head. I had never written about vineyards, but my sleeping brain had filled in the blanks.

When I called the Wilson Creek Winery and asked for a meeting to discuss how wine was made, I was fortunate to speak with Wendy Holder, VP for Marketing, who arranged a meeting with me and also with the vineyard manager, Greg Pennyroyal, who is avid about both teaching the next generation and issues of environment, recycling, and ecology.  Both were inspiring.

I learned about the steps to making wine and other background on growing grapes. There were many variables, which had my head spinning. Water, soil enrichment, temperatures and sunshine, pests, and other issues influenced how the grapes would grow.

As a journalist for over ten years, asking questions came easily. What took more time was figuring out who the characters were, their challenges, and dreams. By November, I was determined to challenge myself with “NaNoWriMo,” (National November Writing Month) to write daily in November to reach the 50,000-word goal. I succeeded a day ahead of the deadline—and then kept going—and going—and going. Three books resulted.

Then the hard work began: lining up an editor, finding a great BETA reader, identifying a book cover developer and a formatter. My group was on both sides of the Atlantic, so time zone issues were taken into consideration. When fixes are needed, and they always are, it takes more time. After many weeks, my manuscripts, both ebook and paperback, were ready.

Marketing is a whole ‘nother issue. Inundation with materials to view and read can take over your life, but decisions must be made, so, finally, readers can be notified that the book is ready.

I love being holed up in my office, so the inspiration flows and the words come, almost automatically. That happens about forty percent of the time, if I’m lucky. Sometimes my characters take over and tell me what to write. It’s really fun when they write the sex scenes! Amazing!

My background includes years as a journalist, marketing consultant, ghostwriter, copywriter, non-fiction author, and sales rep. All of my experience informs my writing, but the most fun is this fiction writing. I hope it inspires you, too.