Traveling has always been a favorite pastime of mine. Meeting new people, seeing unusual places, learning about nature, customs, and lives fascinates me.

When my husband and I set out on our adventure to find a new home on the east coast of the US, we spent three months in transit and living in various places in Delaware. Delaware is tiny: only 40 miles wide and 90 miles top to bottom.

One friend suggested I share stories about my travels and travails. Those are fertile details and stories that mostly make people wince. Instead, I’ll share incidents that led to trying things out. Wine connoisseurs taste different wines, sipping, sniffing, and swirling the wine in the glass. Instead, my husband and I tested seats with, you guessed it, our butts.

After driving for over 2,000 miles, we were well-acquainted with how our car’s seats felt. For the first time, we had the seat-heating feature we used on chilly mornings with temperatures in the 30s. That was a pleasure.

We turned our extended stay hotel location into an office, which required finding office chairs. Aaahh! I found the most comfortable chair, on sale, I have ever had in my many years of office work. Thank you, Staples! My husband liked his chair, which was a gaming chair without the wonderful padding my chair included. He said he was content with his choice, but I think he was jealous.

A seating location that failed the sit test was the couch at our extended stay room. Uncomfortable, with high arms, the couch would only make a giant happy to rest their arm up that high. The seat was not supportive and did terrible things to our posture.

On the way back to AZ, we stopped in Colonial Williamsburg. It’s a charming look back to another time, but I’m sure the seating was not comfortable in the horse-drawn drawn carriage

The last seats we tested were those that require assembly. Yes, we found them at IKEA. We decided we didn’t want to wheel our desk chairs around the house. (Yes, we had returned to our home in Arizona, but our furniture was in a warehouse in Delaware, so we needed to add a few items to function.) The seats work well, but putting them together was a challenge. My husband found IKEA cut some chair parts at an angle, and it was not immediately apparent how they fit.

BIG NEWS! It looks like we’ll have Book Three, A Vision of Home, ready just before Christmas! Louisa and Will’s story includes passionate and fun times on their honeymoon, revelations about their lives, scary moments, and meeting extraordinary people. Can’t wait to share it with you!

We’re hurrying to get the final formatted version ready to mesh with the soon to be completed gorgeous cover.

Treat yourself to a book over the holidays! (See Amazon and other booksellers.)

Happy holidays!

Warmest regards,
Shelley Sommers