If you’re seeing RED over BLACK Friday coming up—and doesn’t it seem to extend for a longer period every year?—You’re not alone!

I’m right there with you. I’ve made my peace with peeling away the rituals that take time. After my husband said he wouldn’t help with our fake tree, I decided I wasn’t going to put it up or decorate it. No one would appreciate it, as our kids are long grown up and can’t seem to visit. After a few years, the tree became a donation. I kept the ornaments, which I acquired (some purchased, some handmade) over many years and are special to me.

Now, I apologize if I’m going to sound like an Amazon bot, but this is not an advertisement for Amazon. I was trying to decide how I could reward you, my loyal blog readers, with a discount for my newest book, the e-book of Love at First Sight. Amazon had the most adaptable way for me to offer a discount—with a fun twist.

After reviewing the paperwork for days, which I assure you made me remember my college days of reading and studying for hours, I decided to enter the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Select program with the LAFS e-book.

By having the book in the KDP Select program, any of you who like Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program (where you get to read as much digitally as you’d like from their extensive collection every month) could read Love at First Sight digitally. You won’t own it, but maybe you can make that decision after you’ve read it.

Now, here’s the scoop. And, the fun twist.

If you want an easy way to gift the Love at First Sight e-book, make a note to yourself for December 21st to go on Amazon and take advantage of their Kindle Countdown Deal. For that day and until 6 pm on December 22nd, my book normally priced at $4.99 is only $.99!!

After December 22nd at 6 pm, the rate goes up a dollar every day or so until it reverts to $4.99 on December 28th at 12 am. (All times are in PST, so please adjust accordingly.)

time is running outNow who to give the e-book gift to? Well, yourself, of course! And after you receive it, before the best price expires, purchase others for your friends, and family, who love romance.

I have learned that purchasing a gift for yourself is one of the best ways to relieve stress. You’ll also feel that sense of satisfaction you have when you know you’ll be excited to get at least one gift. (Do you have that let down feeling like when you open a heavy present and realize it’s a fruitcake? Sorry to disparage fruitcakes, but I cannot eat one. Too sweet!)Love at First Sight

And, at this moment, I’ll admit that I really love Love at First Sight. The characters and the loving are irresistible. I kept coming up with more things to write about. At a workshop taught by Danika Bloom, (authoreverafter.com) she suggested I write a Bonus Epilogue for Love at First Sight. I said, “But I already have an Epilogue.” She said, “Write one that’s at a later time than your current Epilogue. Make it a special reward for people that only readers of the book will understand. They’ll appreciate it.”

And, she was right. So, here’s your special reward you can read after you finish the e-book. Use this link to claim the Bonus Epilogue story about John and Shannon’s honeymoon!  www.shelleysommers.com/lafsBonus.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think about Love at First Sight. And, if you could do me a giant favor and leave a comment about the e-book on Amazon, I’ll truly appreciate it. Thank you!


Shelley Sommers
